True Unlimited Marketplace
With a Powerful CRM

Easily add, manage and market your listings without any limitations on one platform. This is the power of a truly unlimited real estate marketplace.

6 Months Free Trial

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Save big with 1NERD

See how much an active agent with 10 rentals, 1 sale a month would pay

Work Without Limits

You can market an unlimited number of listings, both residential and commercial, without losing ownership of the leads generated. And we'll set you up with our proprietary CRM to manage your business in real time.

One workspace.
Endless Solutions.

Unlimited Listings

Add rental & sales listings at
no additional cos

Residential & Commercial

For any type of listings, we've got
you covered

100% Lead Ownership

We never sell your leads.
Your listings, your leads!

Collective Listing Service

An MLS alternative that gives you
unlimited access to NYS listings.

Open Listings

Get access to open property
management listings in NYC.

Agent Tools

Gain control of your business,
all from your phone.

Create listings in 2 Min

All you need is to download the 1NERD Pro app and start post listings. From start to finish in less than 2 minutes!

"I don't have to go back to the office to add an listing, I can do it right from the app in the apartment."

Jessy E. | Real Estate Agent

Client Automation

Every lead generated from your listings is automatically added to your client list. So it's easy to organize and track, right from the 1NERD Pro app.

"Once a client makes an inquiry about one of my properties, all I have to do is open the app and they're already on my client list!"

Samantha Z. | Real Estate Agent

Revenue Insight

With a quick glance at your clients dashboard, you can quickly update the status of your clients and know exactly where they are - from prospect to client.

"For me, real estate is a numbers game. As soon as I update a client's status, my financial projections are updated as well. That's priceless!"

Adam M. | Real Estate Broker

Personal Website

Once you have your listings up, simply share the direct link to your website with your clients to gain leads immediately.

"With a single link, I can show all of my listings, which gives my clients a bigger offer and maximizes my chances of closing a deal."

Carla C. | Real Estate Agent

Participate & Innovate

We take great pride in being a marketplace built by real estate pros for real estate pros. That's why we can't think of anyone better suited to help us grow.

"I needed to import my offline clients. I suggested it to the 1Nerd team and a two weeks later they added the feature. Amazing!"

Francis B. | Real Estate Agent

Frequently Asked Questions

Let's get you started!

6 Months Free Trial